Screen for Acer Aspire AS3810TZ-414G32n

Screen code: 13.3" LP133WH2-TLA3 Laptop LCD

When my wife accidentally stepped on my brand new (15 days old !!!) netbook, and I heard the noise, I immediately whipped about the approximately 500 € I paid for it.
And I came true when we asked the local representative for the cost of the replacement one: 300€ plus work!!!!

Are you nuts??? No way. And then my friend advised me: “buy a new one and keep this one as a second PC, or put it under the TV for playing movies...”
And I thought he was right... So I started planning for buying a new one.. Then another friend told me: “Are you crazy? Just buy one for half a price from the internet..”
Then I started looking. And there it was: At I found this firm (lcd4laptop) advertising 13,3’’ screens for something like 130 pounds. With the current (12-2009) exchange rate, that was as much as 140 €. I asked them for the particular model, and they told me that I had to extract the screen and tell them the exact code which is written BEHIND IT.

So I did:

There are 4 screws at the 4 edges of the screen, covered with small plastic caps. Remove the caps with something very sharp (like a needle or similar).
There are also 2 more screws (I am not sure if they have to be removed, but it is very easy to do so) at the bottom of the laptop, where the battery is, so just remove those as well....
Remember to write down which screw goes where. They ARE NOT THE SAME…

Notice the cover has to be removed gently, because it is too thin so it can easily break

After the cup is totally removed, your laptop looks like this:

The screen is holding against the cover with four metal blades, with NO screws. They are just pressed in. Just pull them towards the outer side with your nail.

That’s it. The screen is in your hands, you only have to unplug the cable, holding with some tape.

Just write down all the codes, but the important one is this:

Screen code: 13.3" LP133WH2-TLA3 Laptop LCD

And now the conclusion:

When I was looking for the screen on the net, I obviously asked a lot of companies around the globe for a quotation. Among others I contacted a company in China (where else..)

They gave me a price of aprox 140 $ plus shipping. So I thought what the heck. I will buy it from UK for the same money more or less, so I don’t have to worry about taxes (Customs, for importing goods for outside EU). So I pleased the order, and when the Chinese girl asked me two or three times whether I made my mind yet, I told her that I found it for the same money from UK. And then after half an hour I receive another e-mail:
-Dear George. My boss told me that we can sell you the screen for 100 $ !!!!!!!!!!!

So here is the conclusion:

Ask a couple of Chinese companies for a price, and then tell them that you found it cheaper from EU somewhere. I bet they will give you an extra 30% discount…

Good Luck


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